CREATIVE WAVES TECHNOLOGIES can help you build better Web Applications; Linux Server Applications;Renewable Energy installations; and Smart Furnitures with Technological fittings! Just give us a call and start going, no strings attached!
Find Out MoreCREATIVE WAVES TECHNOLOGIES has everything you need to get your new dream project up and running in no time! All of our services at CREATIVE WAVES TECHNOLOGIES are standard and excellent, customized to your need, and easy to use. No strings attached!
Get Started!We produce Smart/Technological Furnitures updated with current trend, so the future is always today.
You can request for Off/Ongrid solar installations, or you may also add wind turbine!
We give complete solutions on Internet Based-Applications.
Do you want a CBT(Computer-Based Test)platform, mail servers, web serves etc, then make your request
Ready to start your next project with us? That's great! Give us a call or send us an email and we will get back to you as soon as possible!